Tips: Non-Stick Skillets

This includes teflon, ceramic, and all surfaces that claim to be non-stick.

Please also review my post:  Care of your Cast Iron Skillets

Teflon Tips

Teflon, Ceramic and other non-stick finishes need to be taken care of.  Here are some tips that you may find useful.

  1. Wash and rub a little canola oil into it before first use.
  2. Don’t heat the pan empty.  At least put a little oil into the pan.
  3. Don’t use cooking spray.  There is a propellant that will build up and destroy your pan.  If you must, get a spritzer bottle and put canola into it.
  4. Don’t let the temperature EVER exceed 450.  Ideally, I never even exceed 400º  This Thermapen is one of the best investments you could make.  You will use it nearly every single day.
  5. Don’t let food dry on the surface of your pan.  When the temperature has dropped to 250º (or below) wipe it off with a wash cloth and hot water.  I usually don’t even like to use soap on mine.
  6. If you can’t clean it immediately, at least fill it with water to minimize the chemical effects of the remaining cooking oil residue.
  7. If you do use soap on your pan, occasionally wipe in a little canola oil  (See Tip #1)
  8. Never ever EVER use abrasive cleansers or pads on your pan.
  9. Never put your teflon or ceramics into the dishwasher.  The hot water is OK, but the drying cycle will kill your pan.
  10. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water.  mix and apply the paste.  Leave for an hour, then wipe off.  Repeat if needed.
  11. If your pan has a wooden handle, season it VERY occasionally by wiping with canola oil
  12. Season a hot pan (250º) occasionally with a paper towel and olive oil (See Tip #1)
  13. Never use metal cookware (spatula, whisk, spoon, etc) when cooking with your non-stick pan

THE PENNY TRICK – If you are boiling water, put a penny in the bottom of your pan.  If it boils dry (which will ruin your pan) the penny will start to rattle because of the boiling water beneath the penny.  The rattling will tell you your pan is nearly empty (usually) before your pot is destroyed.

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