Baking Soda vs Baking Powder

  • Baking soda is Calcium Bicarbonate, and is alkaline.  It requires an acid such as buttermilk, lemon or vinegar to produce Carbon Dioxide.  This is a stable chemical compound, so there is no need to replace it except every couple of years, and that is only because baking soda tends to absorb odors and flavors from its surroundings.
  • Baking powder is made up of baking soda, plus corn starch plus cream of tartar.  Once the baking powder is dissolved, it acts as baking soda does.  Water speeds up the release of Carbon Dioxide.  The problem with this is that on the shelf, the reaction occurs more slowly, but it still occurs.  Replace your baking powder every six months.

Accompaniments can be as simple as bread and butter, or as complex as Cacik (a Turkish cucumber/yogurt side served cold)

An accompaniment should be selected so that it either enhances the flavor of the main course (like applesauce with pork chops) or provides a welcome relief (like crisp chips with a hot salsa). Textural compliments are also important (like scramble eggs with an English muffin.) The good thing is that there are only a few rules, and within that, you should experiment.

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