A Bit about FLOUR

A Bit about FLOUR

Rye / Whole Grain Rye
Strong flavor. Pair with other strong flavors
Eg thin crispy butter cookies with chopped candied orange peel, ginger and rye
Eg Rye brownies with dark chocolate
Eg Rye crumb toppings

Strong nutty flavor. Pair with any recipe using nuts, Italian style cakes. Not with chocolates, but ok with other nuts

Khorasan Wheat Flour / Kamut Flour
Like very fine polenta with a bit of a crunch; Good with milk chocolate or cheese

Almond Flour
Eg Use with almonds, pecans or walnuts

Almost like regular flour. A more natural flour . Add Xanthan Gum or gluten
More nuttiness and bitterness than AP

Polenta FLOUR
Similar to AP. good with nuts eg muffins

Gluten Free
Bread Flour
All Purpose

For cookies and cakes, etc., do not sub grain flours . Less gluten

Grain flours have less gluten and tend to be drier. Increase liquids. Not for lighter products such as croissants


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