Fruit Compote

Apple Compote is one of Grandma’s Go-To-Sides for breakfasts.  It is quick and easy, and a no-fail recipe for new chefs.


  • 1 C apples or 2 apples (diced finely) (or peaches, etc)
  • 2 TBL raisins
  • 2 TBL granulated sugar
  • 1 /2 C boiling water
  • 1/4 C CinnaSugar®


  1. Mix water and sugar until sugar dissolves.
  2. Add raisins to the water, and let it soak while you cut the apples.
  3. Chop the apples into 1/4 inch dices.
  4. Mix apples and hot water
  5. Season to taste with Grandpa’s CinnaSugar®, Allspice, and Vanilla (just a sprinkle of each
  6. Stir and let steep for another ten minutes
  7. Serve hot with ice cream, or as a side to cooked pork or as breakfast)


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