
1 1/2 CU White Flour
1/2 CU Corn Meal or Wheat Flour
3/4 CU Warm Water
2 TBL olive oil
– will be adding more for consistency
1 pkg yeast
1 TBL white sugar or 2 TBL honey – to mix with yeast
2 TBL white sugar – to mix with dry ingredients
scant salt

1. Warm water to ‘very warm’ to the touch, but NOT HOT
2. Combine water, sugar and yeast together to let the yeast activate
(approx three minutes)
3. Mix everything in a large bowl except for water and sugar/yeast mixture
( Mix in oregano if doing this recipe by hand, NOT in a bread maker)
4. Add remaining ingredients and mix together. Add water JUST until crumbs stop being crumbly
5. Knead for approx 25 minutes or until you feel your arms will fall off – If using a bread maker – approx 15 minutes
HINT: Press your finger one inch into the dough, it should bounce back most of the way
6. Cover with damp tea towel and let rise – approx 90 minutes
OPTIONAL: Add oregano to the dough
7. Punch down and knead another 5 minutes
8. Remove and form into a well-shaped ball and oil outside very lightly
9. Place in well-greased pan to rise
10. Put dark damp cloth over pan and place in the sun (or warm place) for 75 more minutes
11. Remove to floured surface and flatten (with hands) to desired size. Do not roll. Rolling will eliminate many of the bubbles that will make your crush lighter.
12. Bake the dough without toppings for 5 minutes at 350 degrees for a less soggy crust
13. Spread ingredients on pizza crust and bake for 20 minutes @ 350 degrees

Special Steps For sauce, see Dad’s Red Sauce.

1. There are many different recipes on the market for making pizza dough.
2. Try substituting cornmeal or mesquite meal in place of Wheat Flour and see which you prefer!
3. Try mixing chives into dough instead of oregano
4. Spread sauce leaving a two-inch border. Roll thin strips of cheese into the border to use with marinara or garlic dipping sauce.

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