Muffin Tin Omelets

There are a lot of steps, but if you go step-by-step this is an easy no-fail recipe.

Preheat your oven to 350º

Spray (or grease) a cupcake pan.
1/2 onion – diced
thick slice of ham – diced (or bacon)

Fry ham/bacon in a fry pan
When nearly done add diced onion
Cook about 5 more minutes

Optional DICED or SLICED things to add:
Mushrooms, bell pepper, jalapeño peppers, olives, chives

Mix the cooked vegetables and put on a cutting board
Divide in half, then half again, then again until you have as many piles as you have muffin spaces.

Loosely place the mixture into each space
Top each space loosely with a bit of grated cheese.

In a mixing bowl, crack 1 egg per 2 spaces. (eg) 16 muffins = 8 eggs

Whisk together with eggs: 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp EVOO, and salt/pepper to taste.

SLOWLY pour the egg mixture into the spaces. If you run out of egg mixture, just break/beat an extra egg and use that.

Put into the oven for 20 – 25 minutes.

After they’re cooked, allow them to cool in the muffin tin for about 5 minutes.

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