Counter Kraut

In a hurry? Check out my recipe for Kwik Kraut.

I have since found out that this recipe CAN produce bacteria that is bad for you. Use a Fermentation Lock to assure that your Counter Kraut does not contain any of the bad stuff. On the other hand, I’ve made this three times and am still living. Perhaps just by chance, but there you go! If anything looks or smells “off” just throw it away and start over. Usually it will be great.


This sauerkraut takes some time, but it is just about as easy as you can get, and it tastes GREAT. Is it a German recipe, or a Polish recipe? Who knows? Who cares? This goes perfectly with BBQ Bratwurst and German potato salad.


  • 1 head green cabbage
  • lots of salt
  • distilled water
  • Lots of TIME and a little bit of dedication


  1. Cut a head of green cabbage in half, then start cutting off thin slices.
  2. About every two or three cuts, put the slices into a GLASS pitcher or other tall container.
  3. Sprinkle 1-2 tsp salt over the top of the cabbage
  4. Keep cutting the cabbage, and keep putting salt on the top until your container is full.
  5. Pack down the cabbage and put in one or two more layers, packing in between.
  6. Use the lid to a margarine tub (or similar) to hold the cabbage in place.
  7. Slowly pour water over the top completely covering the cabbage.
  8. Put a LOOSE FITTING lid on the container to keep bugs and dust out.
  9. Place the container where overflow will not damage anything… perhaps in a pie pan.
  10. Let sit on the counter for fourteen days, topping off with water each morning.
  11. Keep cabbage submerged under the water
  12. At the end of the fermentation process, pour the liquid into a large measuring cup
  13. Remove the sauerkraut into clean canning jars, filling and spacing as necessary, making sure to leave about an inch of clearance to the top of the jar. Discard the salt which has collected in the bottom of the container.
  14. Top the jars with liquid, cap and refrigerate. Keeps for a month.


  • You should use distilled water rather than tap water because of the potential for chemicals in the water.
  • I prefer to use Kosher salt. I think it dissolves more appropriately in the water.
  • If you use a tight-fitting lid, there is a good chance the container will explode.
  • YOU MUST allow the fermentation gasses to escape.

The information below this section is from a third party. It is part of Grandpa's Personal Recipe box. Feel free to browse, but know that this information is from someone else.


For an example of making counter kraut, check out this video.

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