About Grandpa

Robert Andrews cooks under the umbrella of Grandpa Cooks.

Born in Marion, Ohio, Robert lived in the Andalucian area of Southern Spain with his wife Cynthia, while traveling into the neighboring countries of Andorra, Czech Republic, Portugal, Turkey, France and other areas of Spain.

Robert started his cooking career as a short order cook at the L-K Restaurant in Marion, Ohio in 1979. He later held assistant manager positions at McDonalds and Pizza Hut. He holds a degree from University of Phoenix in business management and has obtained cooking inspiration from Turkistan Ashevi in Istanbul, Turkey, and has attended classes at The Culinary Institute of America, and The Canyon Ranch Resort in Tucson.

My favorite recipes are highlighted with this Arizona Medallion. Click the medallion to the right to explore them.

He is also a self-taught computer geek whose hobbies include experimenting and inventing, photography, music and traveling around the world as much as possible.

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