Shredded Pancake

with Plum Sauce

  1. Two eggs (separated)
    1. Beat whites until thickened
    2. Add 2 TBL sugar
    3. Add sprinkle of kosher salt
    4. Continue to beat until fluffy and stiff peaks
  2. Whisk egg yolks in separate bowl
  3. Sprinkle in 1/2 C flour and scant nutmeg
  4. Add 1 TBL whole wheat flour
  5. Add 1/2 C milk
  6. Add 1/2 tsp vanilla and a dash of almond extract
  7. Add 2 TBL melted butter
  8. Stir to combine
  9. Fold in egg whites
    1. Better to be under mixed, than over mixed
  10. Add 1 TBL butter into hot pan
  11. Cook for a minute in the pan till it starts to rise
  12. Put into the oven at 400 for about 14 minutes
  13. Make Plum Sauce
    1. Add 1 C chopped plums
    2. Add 2 TBL misc fruit jam
    3. Add 1 TBL lemon
    4. scant salt
    5. 1 TBL water
    6. Heat
    7. Cook until thickened
  14. Flip pancake over into the pan
  15. Use spatulas to break it apart
  16. Drizzle in butter, and sprinkle with sugar
  17. Toss over medium heat until it starts to crisp up
    1. Serve with plum sauce
  18. Sprinkle with powdered sugar




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