Spicy Orange Sauce

I made a really great recipe that used Staport Spicy Orange Sauce, but as
it turns out I would have to buy a half gallon. According to their
website, Some supermarkets sell retail sized bottles of the stuff, so I
will look at that option. Meanwhile, here is a recipe in case I get a
hankering for Crispy Orange Chicken.

Spicy Orange Sauce

1/2 C orange marmalade
3 TBL rice vinear
2 TBL Hoisin sauce
2 tsp soy sauce
1 TBL Asian Chile Sauce

Combine ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer. Stir about 5
minutes, then set aside to cool. This will keep for several weeks.

See my recipe for Tempura Batter

When you are ready to fry, your oil should be 350º – 360º

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