Three from One Chicken

One of the meals we get here at Beatitudes is a Cooked Half Chicken.  Here is a way to turn that into three meals.

From the Breast

    1. Shred the meat
    2. Place into a bowl with 1/2 C corn
    3. chopped parsley
    4. diced shallot
    5. diced tomato
    6. Cilantro
    7. Sweet Chili Sauce
    8. Gochuchuang
    9. Lime juice
  • Plate onto leaves of butter lettuce
  • Garnish with jalapeƱo slices

Chicken Cobb Salad

    1. Shred chicken breast
    2. Plate with corn, cucumber, diced tomato, bacon, jalapeno, avocado, apple slices
    3. Serve with raspberry vinaigrette

Chicken Canaloni

    1. Shred remaining chicken
    2. Mix with Parm cheese and marinara
    3. Put into canaloni shell
    4. Top with alfredo sauce and marinara
    5. Drizzle with basil sauce


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