RobtCyn Tapenade

The IRC Gila Farms project gives us more greens than we can use in a week, so here is a way to extend the season.  This is also good when greens are in season at the grocery and very inexpensive.


Mustard Greens, Kale, Spinach, Cilantro, Garlic, Lemon Juice, Onion, Olive Oil, Salt

  1. Re-wash all greens
  2. Chop greens into small pieces
  3. Mince in food processor
  4. Drizzle in 1/2 C olive oil to emulsify
  5. Pack into ice cube trays
  6. Top off with water
  7. Store in refrigerator for up to a month or freeze in cubes for a year.

Possible Applications

Mix with:
Sour Cream for Dip
Yougurt and Cuke
EVOO for Salad dressing
maranara for spagetti
deviled egg filling / topping
add as a pizza topping
under chicken skin to bake
hamburger for meatloaf
scrambled egg
mix with cream cheese for crackers




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