Puerto Rican Pot

This is actually what they call it in Puerto Rico!


1 can Kidney beans
2 cups brown rice
1 onion (chopped)
1 large pork chop (cut into pieces)


1. Saute onion in 1 TBL olive oil until they start to carmelize.
2. Add pork and stir until browned
3. Remove pork and onion and set aside
4. Put 2 CU water into saute pan and bring to a near boil
5. Add brown rice and stir for several minutes.
6. Lower heat to as low as possible and cover pan
7. After ten minutes add undrained Kidney beans and mix into rice.
8. When mixed, add pork and onion mixture
9. Let simmer another 5 minutes
10. Portion into four servings.


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