
This is classically served with veal. See my recipe for Braised Veal Shank at least a day before starting this recipe.  Alternately, this is good when served as a side for schnitzel.



  1. Grate nutmeg, salt and pepper into flour
  2. Create well in center of flour and put in two eggs and a splash of milk
  3. Mix and incorporate slowly adding more milk if necessary.
    Final batter should be almost like a pancake batter.
  4. Put large-holed colander over a pot of barely boiling water – slightly more than simmering though
  5. Pour the batter into the colander allowing batter to drop into the boiling water below.
  6. Push through all batter using a spatula as a pusher.
  7. The squiggles will cook through in 2-3 minutes.  When they rise to the top they are done.
  8. Strain and plunge them into an ice bath to stop the cooking.
  9. Strain WELL and pour out on a platter or onto a towel
  10. Here they will rest about 5 minutes or more and absorb any water on the surface of the spaetzle.
  • Serve with seasonal veggies.
  • Bake the harder veggies
  • Blanch softer veggies
  • When your meat is about done, fry your spaetzel in HOT EVOO or clarified butter in a stainless steel pan
  • Sautee mushrooms if you have them.  Better over-done than under-done.
  • Top with grated Parmesan cheese
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