Grandpas Frappuccino

Why spend $4 for a small bottle of Frappuccino, when you can make a good Copy Cat Frappuccino for under a buck?

Grandpa’s Copy Cat Frap

There is a lot of internet chatter about canning your own coffee, while (in theory) it can be done, flavor will suffer. I’ve tried it.  It seems a bit more cardboardy and bitter.  I prefer to make my coffee fresh, in a large batch, on the stove, and have found that this recipe gives me nearly an entire weeks worth of coffee, with decent flavor.

Purists would tell me that as soon as I started adding sugar, milk, etc I had lost the entire coffee experience anyway, so I figure that this makes me happy, so it might make you happy.  This is the recipe that I use.

For storage I use

  • ONE – 64 ounce bottle (from apple juice or similar) for storing the entire recipe after it has been filtered, but not flavored: BLACK
  • TWO – 32 ounce PowerAde bottles for storing flavored Frap Concentrate: DARK BROWN (Chocolate brown)
  • FIVE – 16 ounce bottles (Gatorade or Body Armor, emptied) for ready to drink Frapp:  TAN (Light brown)


Grandpa’s Frappuccino

Ten Servings – Coffee Concentrate

This makes a total of ten 16 ounce bottles, but I split the 64 ounces of brewed coffee into two 32 ounce bottles, which allows me to prepare only five bottles of Frap at a time.

SUMMARY:  Prepare 8 C (64 ounces) of strong coffee.

  • 8 CU (64 ounces) water in a large pot
  • 2 C ground coffee or two hotel coffee bags (caf or decaf)


  1. Put ground coffee into 9 C cold water and cover
  2. Heat cold water on high for about 6-8 minutes
  4. Reduce to lowest hot setting and cook 3-4 hours
    (too hot to touch, but not hot enough to bring water to a full boil)
  5. Stir once half-way through
  6. Turn off stove, leave covered
  7. Let steep (cool) for an additional 60 minutes
  8. Lift carefully off stove and pour into two large 4 C measuring cups leaving as many of the grounds behind as possible.  I use a strainer purchased from AMAZON.   Discard or compost the grounds.
  9. Let cool completely (just warm to the touch is OK) before pouring the coffee into your plastic bottle.  Then, pour the coffee into your large 64 ounce bottle and refrigerate overnight to let the grounds completely settle

Grandpa’s Frap Concentrate

TWO BATCHES – Frap Concentrate

SUMMARY:  Here you will flavor half the coffee from the previous night, and store the other half for later use.

  • You will need TWO 32 ounce bottles – such as a Powerade bottle
  • 1/4 C sugar
  • 1 TBL Stevia (buy it in bulk)
  • 1-2 TBL Toriani coffee syrup (I like French Vanilla or Hazelnut)
  • 1 tsp of vanilla
  • 2 TBL whole milk (to color the Concentrate)
  1. Fill one 32 ounce bottle and store it in the fridge for use another day
  2. Pour 8 ounces of your coffee into a measuring cup and the remainder into your 32 ounce bottle
  3. At this point you have 8 ounces in a measuring cup, and 24 ounces remaining in your bottle.
  4. Heat the 8 ounces for about 90 seconds
  5. Add the sugar and Stevia and stir until completely dissolved
  6. Add all other ingredients
  7. Pour the mixture into your 32 ounce bottle
  8. You will notice the color difference between the two bottles.  The dark brown bottle contains the flavoring, the black coffee is unflavored.
  9. We will use the dark brown bottle as the source for the next recipe.  When you are ready to prepare the second bottle, just start with step three of this recipe.

Grandpa’s Frappuccino

FIVE BOTTLES – Ready-to-drink Frappuccino

SUMMARY:  We will now finish our Frap and pour into bottles.

  1. The most complex step was making the Frap Concentrate.  Now it is an easy job of just combining ingredients.
  2. Pour 3/4 C of concentrate into each of your five bottles
  3. Now, I know you were not THAT precise, so spread the rest of the concentrate across the other bottles to even things up
  4. Add 1/4 C milk to each bottle
  5. Top off each bottle with water (or milk) and refrigerate.

Single Servings of Grandpa’s Frap

  1. Pour 3/4 C of concentrate or 1 C strong coffee into a single 16 ounce bottle
  2. Add 1/2 C milk onto the bottle
  3. Top off the bottle with water (or milk) and enjoy

Flavor Variations – for one serving

  • Add 1/8 tsp cocoa for a type of Mocha
  • Add 1 tbs hot fudge for a different flavor of Mocha
  • Try a few drops only of almond extract

What does it all mean? – Start out with 4 oz of espresso, then add…

  • Cappuccino – 6 oz of milk
  • Latte – 8-12 oz milk
  • Mocha – 2 oz chocolate, 8 oz milk
  • Macchiato – 1 oz foamed milk
  • Doppio – just add another 4 oz espresso (double espresso or double Dutch)
  • Venti Macchiato – steamed almond milk with mocha topping
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