
It is actually quite time consuming to make your own phylo dough, so don’t hesitate to buy it frozen in the store.  Make sure the phylo is NOT crumbly.


  • 1 box phylo dough
  • feta cheese – made with sheep or goat milk NOT cow milk
    buy a block and crumble it
  • Mix in a sweet onion sliced just as thinly as possible
  • Mix with EVOO, mushrooms, chives, zucchini, basil, parm cheese
  • Fresh spinach – NOT frozen


  1. De stem FRESH spinach and give it a rough chop
  2. Mix in with everything else
  3. In a heavily greased cake pan lay down about ten sheets of phylo dough
  4. Divide your spinach mixture into fourths
  5. Spread 1/4 of your mixture onto the phylo
  6. Add 3-5 sheets of dough and another 1/4 spinach
  7. Repeat two more times until your spinach is all used up
  8. Finish with about 8 sheets of phylo dough on the top
  9. Butter the top heavily and tuck in the edges
  10. Bake it at 350º for an hour
  11. Let it cool a bit (or it will fall apart) and then loosen up the edges and the bottom
  12. Invert it onto a baking sheet and remove the cake pan
    – The bottom will become the top
  13. Cut it into half, and then into triangles

Serve with a village salad of tomato, zucchini, black olives, cucumber slices, oregano and lemon all tossed in a bit of EVOO


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