Ghee – aka – Clarified Butter

  1. Heat butter in a sauce pan at medium low heat.  DO NOT STIR.
  2. Once it has completely melted, let rest a few minutes
    – During this time the solids will precipitate to the bottom of the liquid
  3. Skim off any foam that has formed on top.
  4. You now have clarified butter
  5. Keep cooking until the solids in the bottom begin to turn brown
  6. You now have ghee
  7. Carefully pour off the ghee, leaving the solids behind.
  8. Ideally, pour it through cheesecloth for even cleaner ghee

This will give a cleaner taste to whatever you are cooking.  It is also less likely to burn.  Just a dash of EVOO will also help inhibit burning.  If you are a purist, pour the butter through cheesecloth.

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