
Adapted From Pati’s Mexican Table

Beef Brisket
Sear over high heat and set aside

Ancho and guajillo chiles . Blacken and remove skin
Grind and strain
Oregano, Alspice, Cloves, Cinnamon, Salt and pepper
Blend with Tomato, Onion, Garlic, Apple cider vinegar
Cook in hot pot 15 minutes

Place each meat in center of banana leaf
Coat with marinade
Wrap and pace in pot
Add a beer and bake at 325° for 3 hours

This is a recipe adapted from Diamond Ranch
Marinate your Beef Top or Bottom Round overnight
Sear meat in cast iron skillet – Dutch Oven is even better
Toss in onions and spices
Add garlic near the end of the searing process
Add 4 C chicken stock
Bring up to a simmer
Add 1/4 C cider vinegar
Move into covered crock pot for 4-6 hours
or put in oven at 250 degrees COVERED for the same amount of time

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