French Fries / Chips

friesBefore we begin…

  • Potatoes fall into the categories of either starchy or waxy.
  • Russet and Idaho potatoes have a higher amount of starch and less moisture than waxy potatoes, so they are great for baking and frying, but don’t perform well for potato salads or casseroles
  • Waxy potatoes like Red Bliss, Fingerlings or New Potatoes have less starch and more body, so are good choices for potato salads, but NOT this recipe.
  • Yukon Gold is a good example of an all purpose potato.  It does reasonably well for either application.

Ingredients to feed 4 people

1-2 potatoes per person
1 C water and 1 tsp salt (per potato)
Optional Condiments:
Ketchup, sour cream, ranch dressing,
Grandpa’s Jalapeño Ketchup

Step by Step

  1. Cut russet potatoes into approximately 1/3 inch thick strips
    – Just for fun you can cut them into 1/4 inch medallions instead of strips
  2. Soak in salted water overnight
  3. The next day, blanche potatoes in salted water for about sixty seconds to boil and partially cook
    – Potatoes should break apart when bent at this point, so be careful.
  4. Toss gently with oil and salt
  5. Put on a baking tray and cook at 450º for about ten minutes
  6. Flip over fries and cook another 10-15 minutes until golden brown
  7. Sprinkle with salt while oil is still very hot
  8. Some people enjoy a very light sprinkling of black pepper too

Oh, one more thing…

  • French Fries REALLY don’t come from France.  Research has shown that they really come from Belgium, where historians claim they were frying potatoes as early as the late 1600’s
  • The first record of French Fries being served in America was 1802 when Thomas Jefferson served them to guests at the White House.
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