Carl Griffith’s 1847 Oregon Trail Sourdough Starter


imageIf you are considering entry into the exciting world of Sourdough cooking, the ONLY site you will need to get started is www.CarlsFriends.NET. Not only will Carl tell you all you need to know, but he will give you FREE sourdough starter. YES, you can start your own from scratch, but for the beginner, you should really start with Carl’s Friends.

Once you receive your dried sourdough starter, here are the instructions you will need to activate it.

About Carl


Oregon Trail


Use these links for the following tasks:

Get Carl’s Starter: The only thing you HAVE to provide is a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope. Carl operates solely on donations from thankful bakers.

Be patient: This is an all-volunteer operation. Use this link to find out why it could take as little as one week, or as long as six weeks.

Note from Grandpa: Mine took about 4 weeks.

Once you receive your starter here is how to revive it.

Once it has been completely revived and is alive and bubbly, here is how I maintain my starter:

One time step: After following Carl’s instructions, prepare your batch for sustainability.
1. Put an amount in a glass jar with a plastic lid. It SHOULD NOT seal tightly.
For just my wife and me, we store 1.5 cups. For a small family 3 cups are in order.
2. Dry the remainder to give to friends or to use in the event that your starter dies.

Here are two methods to make your own starter.

Carl has recipes here.

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