Bananas Jamaican

For each TWO bananas, useā€¦
1 tsp EACH of alspice, curry, nutmeg, cinnamon, and vanilla
1 TBL EACH of corn starch and soft butter
2 TBL EACH of brown sugar and spiced rum
OPTIONAL 1 tsp chopped nuts

1. Halve bananas and place in baking dish
2. Mix together all other ingredients (except nuts) over low heat
3. Pour over banana
4. Bake @ 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes
5. Plate banana and top with carmel leavings from bottom of baking dish
6. Sprinkle with chopped nuts

Special Steps

Variations Serve with a scoop of hard ice cream. Double ingredients (except bananas) and pour half of carmel leavings over ice cream.

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