
This is kind of like saying “Casserole” There are literally thousands of recipes. Here is one of them:

Roma Tomatoes
– canned tomatoes in winter is OK
put a small X on the bottom of the tomato and plunge into boiling water for about 30 seconds
then put into ice water – peel back skin
Toss tomatoes in oil and put onto a tray

Get three yellow bell peppers or Anaheim peppers, halve, and put on tray with the tomatoes

Bake peppers and tomatoes at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes

Put peppers into a plastic bag and let them sweat for a couple of minutes, then peel black skin off of peppers

Cook in separate pans in a bit of oil:
Japanese Eggplant (one inch pieces) Dark purple
Chinese Eggplant (one inch pieces) Light purple – lavender
Squash (one inch pieces)
Zucchini (one inch pieces)
Onion (Sliced thinly)
Salt each of the above ingredients except the onion

Roughly crush the tomatoes
Combine everything into the largest skillet
Add fresh basil chiffonade, kale chiffonade, thyme, pepper

Serve with a French or Italian loaf of bread

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