Gouda, Red, Green, Mushroom Quesadilla

Gouda, Red, Green, Mushroom Quesadilla

Keelan Gilliam
Plaza Bistro Cook


  1. Cut off sides of a green bell peppers
  2. Cut off sides of a red bell peppers
  3. Remove white pith from any of the pepper
  4. Julienne the bell peppers
  5. Cut mushrooms so that you end up with about ½ C of chopped mushrooms
  6. In a hot skillet, add your peppers
  7. Cook about two minutes
  8. Add mushrooms and cook another minutes
  9. Meanwhile, add gouda slices onto half your quesadilla
  10. Dump skillet contents back into your mixing bowl
  11. Put tortilla onto the hot skillet
  12. Dump hot peppers back into the skillet and onto the tortilla
  13. Cook 1-2 minutes, then fold
  14. Cook both sides until it is browned how you like it
  15. Serve with a side of sour cream and/or salsa
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