Spinach / Artichoke Dip


1 PKG frozen spinach (10 OZ) thawed and drained
1 block (8 oz.) of cream cheese
8 OZ shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 CU grated Parmesean cheese
1/2 CU sour cream
1 small onion (white, yellow or red – minced)
2 TBL Balsamic vinegar,
2 TBL Olive Oil
2 TBL lemon juice,
2 TBL Worcestershire sauce
5 Garlic cloves
2 TBL Dry Mustard
1 Avocado (optional)
1 red pepper

marinated artichoke hearts, mashed
ground black pepper
water as needed
cornstarch as needed


1. Put all the food ingredients in the big bowl except the chips and red bell pepper.
2. Heat in microwave on medium to medium-high heat until cheese is all melted, about 2 minutes.
3. Rinse red bells, then add to mixture
4. Stir to combine
5. Optional: Spread into a casserole and bake 15 minutes at 350 degrees, then put under broiler for about 60 seconds.

Special Steps

Serve with Tortilla chips, crusty bread, Pumpernickel, or Rye Variations One creative option – hollow out a loaf of crusty Italian bread and scoop the dip into the hollowed out crust!


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