Green Leaf Wrap

You can use collard greens, iceberg lettuce, bib lettuce or butter lettuce.  It’s simple… prepare your wrap or burrito, but use greens rather than a tortilla.

Blanche the leaves in boiling water, and then ice water – or heat them on a skillet.  Here are a few recipes that would lend themselves to this preparation.


Reuben:  Corned beef, horseradish, parsley and bean sprouts.  Fry in butter briefly after wrapping.

Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast Sandwich:  Scrambled egg and cheddar cheese – with or without sausage/bacon.

Cucumber Sandwich

Cucumber Sandwiches

Grilled Bologna

Grilled Bologna Sandwich

Lobster Roll Sandwich

Lobster Roll Sandwich

Pulled Pork Sandwich

Pineapple Pulled Pork Sandwich

California Sandwich

California Sandwich

Egg Salad Sandwich

Egg Salad Sandwich



Tuna Salad Sandwich

Tuna Salad


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