Basic Fry Batter

Fry Batter

To fry food, make sure your oil is about 360-365°. It will not be too oily if you put it in and remove it the split second that bubbles stop escaping from the food or batter. As long as bubbles are coming out, Grace cannot go in. As soon as the bubbles stop, it becomes like a sponge. Let drain on a wire rack on a baking tray. Keep the tray in an oven at 250° to keep warm. Sprinkle with sea salt before putting into the oven.

Fry in small batches, waiting for the oil to return to temperature before you put in your next batch.

Flour . Seasoned
Eggs . Seasoned
Bread crumbs . Seasoned with grated parm

1.5 c ap flour
Season with nutmeg, salt and pepper
Add 1 c seltzer
2 eggs . Beaten

Something to Try – not sure how it will work
1 C AP flour
2 eggs
1/2 C milk
1 tsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp baking powder

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