Another Indian Omelet

  1. Start with two hard boiled eggs
  2. Halve them and grate THREE of the egg white halves
  3. Fry in butter
  4. Add spices, onion, peppers, green onion, salt, chili powder, cumin, coriander, black pepper, garam masala, etc.
  5. Mix together
  6. Remove from heat and put in basil slices
  7. Beat two eggs with whatever spices, diced onion, green onion
  8. Put onto hot griddle and spread around
  9. As soon as center begins to congeal put toppings in center
  10. PLATE:  Fold into omelet
  11. Yolks, bell pepper, diced onion – mash together with butter
  12. Season with similar spices to above
  13. Add tomato paste – mix in and reduce
  14. PLATE: side by side
  15. Top with grated cheese
  16. Mop up grill with Hawaiian King Rolls or burger/hotdog buns


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