Holland America Dutch Cheese Fondue

From a cooking class aboard a Holland America Cruise we took in 2003.


  • 2 C dry white wine or beer
  • 1 med clove garlic, peeled and bruised with the flat of your knife
  • 1 LB Dutch Gouda cheese, coarsely grated (about 4 C)
  • 1 TBL cornstarch or arrowroot
  • 2 TBL Kirsch liqueur
  • 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 1 Large loaf French or Italian bread, cut into 1″ cubes (including crust)
  • Fresh ground pepper
  1. Pour the wine or beer into a 2-quart fondue dish or any 2 qt flameproof enameled casserole
  2. Drop in the garlic and bring to a boil over high heat
  3. Let wine boil briskly for 1 to 2 minutes
  4. Remove garlic with a slotted spoon and discard
  5. Lower heat so wine barely simmers.
  6. Stirring constantly with a table fork, add cheese mixture, a handful at a time, letting each handful melt before adding another.
  7. When the fondue is creamy and smooth, stir in the Kirsch and taste.
  8. Add seasoning.

To serve, place the fondue dish over an alcohol or gas table burner in the center of the dining table, regulating the heat so the fondue barely simmers.  Place a basket of the bread cubes alongside the fondue.  Traditionally, each diner spears a cube of bread on a fork (preferably a long-handled fondue fork) swirls the bread in the mixture until it is thoroughly coated, then eats it immediately.

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